Fenwright Manor is a multi- media Haunted House project that began in May of 1996. The physical aspect started as Halloween props and set decoration. The ultimate goal is for it to be constructed as a Spookhouse Attraction.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Scene Props: Old Mantle Clock

This heirloom clock has been featured in Hallowe'en set-ups and will be replicated for a scene in the attraction.

2001 set-up with proper cobwebs

Mantle clock from the previous photograph


internal gears

Since the flash music player I use does not want to work properly, I have to add my music or sounds to slideshows or videos, so here's the clock chime and the hourly chime.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

From The old Myspace profile

Rip Van Winkle and other stories

This is an old copy of "Rip Van Winkle and other stories" by Washington Irving.  It contains " The Legend of Sleepy Hollow".   It used to be listed among the volumes of the library and was on the "Artifacts" album from the Myspace profile

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Countdown to Halloween

Come read a Countdown to Halloween post at my museum blog

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tell your Friends

A reminder to readers, they can follow Fenwright Manor on Facebook through the network blogs app on this blog.
You  can also be a fan of this haunted house project, Fenwright Manor on Facebook. 
Mr. Ghost, the mascot of Fenwright Manor aslo has a page on Facebook.

Tell your friends, tell your neighbors.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Where It All Began: Part 2

After that last post I decided to try and figure out the earlier concept drawing.  It's still crazy

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Where it all began (sort of)

This is the second concept drawing  for the mansion
In commemoration  of the 15th anniversary of this project, I would like to present one of the earliest concept drawings of the mansion.  The first drawing( scribbled during Humanities class) was lost.  This drawing was created in late May or early June of 1996 in my 3D art class during 6th period.  It's pretty crude and insane, just a generic "haunted house" with a gargoyle water fountain off the side of the house(WTF???).  I just drew random things for this house and it would be confusing for people not in on the project.  I even threw that skeleton with a top hat from the cover of that poetry book  Nightmares by Jack Prelutsky, but you can barley see him.  I may post a few more concept pieces to get people excited about this project.

Friday, May 13, 2011

This is a surprise

Once in a while, I use the search words that lead to this blog.  Lately, "fenwrightmanor.blogspot" has appeared and I followed that search. among the search I found this:  Networked Blogs: Top 6 blogs in:  haunted house.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A view of the mansion

These are my two recent drawings of the mansion

Drawing from 2007
wider facade

Drawing from 2004
Queen Anne style house